Reptile Maniac

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do bearded dragons like music

We recently wrote an article on whether or not leopard geckos like music.

Ever since, we’ve been getting the question – do bearded dragons like music as well?

Bearded dragons are known to be curious, intelligent, and calm. With such good qualities, every pet parent would want nothing but to keep their bearded friend happy at all times.

Due to their curiosity, bearded dragons are always eager to know what is happening around them. As such, they can respond to both auditory such as talking and even visual stimuli such as color.

Bearded dragon keepers have reported that their pets show a sudden behavior change when they hear certain types of music.

However, the behaviors elicited by music are not constant in all Bearded dragons since some respond positively while others show a negative response.

Beardies are sensitive to different types of sound, thanks to their well-formed auditory system.

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But, Do Bearded Dragons Like Music?

There is no scientific evidence to show that Bearded dragons like music. However, it has been found that beardies are highly sensitive to music and prefer certain types of music to others. Also, response to music in Bearded dragons may vary depending on personality, loudness, and proximity to the sound source.

Through their behavior, you can easily tell whether your bearded friend is enjoying the tune that you are playing.

The most interesting thing about Bearded dragons is that they are very good at communicating using their body language.

As a pet parent, you only need to have good observations skills. This will help you learn some of the common behaviors that your pet exhibits.

In addition to this, you will know the meaning of each behavior, thereby making it easier to understand your beardie.

As such, you will be able to know the type of music that elicits a positive response and those that cause distress to your Bearded dragon.

How To Tell If Your Bearded Dragon Likes The Music You Are Playing

Bearded dragons respond to all music, but that does not mean that they enjoy all types of music. With that being said, you should keenly observe the behavior of your pet each time you are playing music.

Based on the lizard’s behavior, you will be able to tell if the little guy likes what you are playing or not.

Here are some of the things that will let you know if your Bearded dragon is into the music that you are playing.

Moving Towards The Sound Source

Most beardie keepers have noticed that their pets tend to move closer to the sound system, especially when playing soft and calm tunes.

Nonetheless, there is no clear explanation as to why beardies do this, but it is evident that they like sounds that are not too loud.

You can experiment this by playing a few tunes for your Bearded dragon. Observe their behavior, and choose the music that you think they like most.

Remember, the goal is to keep the volume at minimum levels as this will make the beardie feel more comfortable.

If you do everything correctly, there is a high chance that your beardie will move closer to the sound source.

However, if you notice that your Bearded dragon is showing signs of distress, it means the music is either too loud for them or they don’t like what you are playing.

Plus, not all Bearded dragons will respond to this experiment. This is mainly because beardies have different personalities, so it shouldn’t worry you if the little guy is unresponsive to what you are playing.

Non-Aggressive Behavior

Although Bearded dragons make great pets due to their calm demeanor, they can display aggressive behavior when they are exposed to unfavorable stimuli.

The same applies to music. If your beardie likes the music that you are playing, they will not display aggressive behaviors and vice versa.

Hissing is one of the signs that can tell you if your beardie is becoming aggressive. It is often paired with a defensive stance.

If this happens when you are playing loud music, it could mean that your bearded buddy is not into what is being played.

Additionally, Bearded dragons who are aggressive may try to bite you when you pick them up, so all beardie parents should always be on the lookout for these signs.

Also, some beardie keepers claim that their pets like loud music and tend to be calm when they play heavy metal. If this is true, it clearly shows that music preference in beardies is based on personality types.


Bearded dragons can at times get overly playful when they are exposed to the right type of music.

They may run around, climb on your, or exhibit other behaviors that are associated with happiness.

Most Bearded dragons only react this way when the music is played at a low volume. Nonetheless, some signs of distress can easily be mistaken for playfulness, so you should be able to distinguish the two.

Besides, a beardie may also run around when they are scared. If you suspect that the music is causing distress to your Bearded dragon, you should consider turning it off.

Displaying Brighter Colors

Bearded dragon skins are unique in that they have chromatophores, a group of specialized cells that allow them to change color based on their mood.

When Bearded dragons are happy, they display lighter and brighter colors in all parts of their body.

If your beardie displays a brighter color when you are playing music, it means they are in a good mood. However, if their skin suddenly turns dull it means they are not happy.

Some beardies may take a shorter time than others when changing colors, so you should check for any visible color changes immediately you start playing the music.

Final Verdict

Bearded dragons are very sensitive to sounds, including music. However, each beardie has its own way of responding to music.

These responses are often displayed in the form of observable behaviors that can let you know whether the beardie likes what is being played.

Most Bearded dragons like it when music is played at low volume, while others prefer loud music. The music genre may also determine how your beardie responds to what you are playing.
