Reptile Maniac

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do crested geckos have teeth
Crested geckos are very interesting reptiles that reptile enthusiasts love for their unique appearances and ease of care. These lizards have a unique and interesting lifestyle and, as a result, need a unique and interesting diet.

If you are interested in feeding your crested gecko (or, maybe you’re just afraid of getting bitten!), the first thing you’re probably wondering is:

Do crested geckos have teeth?
Crested geckos have small, not-so-sharp teeth that are located on their palate (roof of mouth) where they’re only visible when open. Unlike other species such as leopard geckos and veiled chameleons, crested gecko’s teeth aren’t used for biting or chewing food. Instead, they use their strong tongue to catch prey and swallow it whole.

Like any other reptile, crested geckos have teeth and use them for the usual predator defense mechanism and feeding. In this article, we will discuss further whether crested geckos have teeth and what their purpose is.

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Your Introduction to Crested Geckos

Correlophus ciliatus, which translates to sail fingers, is another name for crested geckos. They are arboreal lizard’s native to New Caledonia, Australia, and New Zealand but can now be found in the wild on the majority of Pacific Islands with warm climates.

Crested geckos come in eight different color variations, with yellow being the most common and orange being the rarest. They can grow to be four inches long, have a 15-year lifespan, and weigh only one ounce when fully grown. Cresties have scales on their faces, neck, torso, legs, hands, and feet when they are born. These scales give them a rough appearance, making predators have difficulty grabbing them while climbing trees.

As they age, their scales gradually fall off, beginning at their feet and progressing to their faces until all that is left is skin covering their smooth bodies. In essence, these incredible little creatures can lose nearly all of their body weight throughout their lives! Also, know that cresties do not sweat through their skin, so they must bask under artificial lighting or hide under objects to keep their body temperature stable.

Do Crested Geckos Have Teeth?

Yes! Crested geckos do, in fact, have teeth. Crested geckos are frequently confused with toothless lizard species, but unlike other lizard species, crested geckos have teeth.

Many people who own or are interested in purchasing a crested gecko as a pet have this question. But why do they have them if they’re not used for biting and chewing food? Continue reading to find out.

Do Crested Geckos Use Their Teeth to Chew?

Because crested geckos’ teeth are ineffective for chewing, they are not used for it. Most lizards chew their food with well-developed jaw muscles and a quadrate bone, a set of fused bones in the lower jaw. Crested geckos do have a pair of rudimentary premaxillary bones under their nostrils, but these tiny structures do not help them chew or bite. Because of this, most crested geckos swallow their prey whole after catching it with their sticky tongues.

If you’re worried about your gecko choking on its meal like other species such as anoles and skinks, don’t be! They can swallow prey up to half their size without any issue at all. While many people wonder if keeping crickets or roaches will cause issues when it comes time for feeding time due to them being too large, keep in mind that cresties often eat much larger insects than roaches, such as grasshoppers and locusts.

A general rule of thumb is that insect sizes should be no more than the distance between the eyes for optimal safety.

Do Crested Geckos Bite?

Crested geckos, as previously stated, have teeth. They are not, however, used for chewing or biting. While being bitten by a gecko that is unaware of its own strength is possible, it will not cause any harm to your skin because its toothless jaws cannot penetrate human skin.

These lizards may appear frightening due to their long, sharp tongues and unusual appearance, but once you learn more about them, you’ll realize how harmless they truly are. Many people believe that owning any kind of pet reptile will turn them into animal haters. On the contrary, having pets such as reptiles, birds, ferrets, etc., makes you love animals even more!

You should also keep in mind that these animals are not aggressive toward humans; all it takes is some proper handling techniques and respect for your pet to avoid bites.

Does a Crested Gecko Bite Hurt?

Even if under any circumstance your pet crested gecko bit you, you probably wouldn’t even feel it. This is because their teeth are blunt and small, incapable of penetrating human skin.

Moreover, Crested Geckos are known for their docile nature, so most bites only occur when they are being hand-fed or picked up with force, causing them to defend themselves against being harmed. Don’t worry, though! There have been cases where people have owned these lizards for years without ever being bit once.

Crested geckos bite only as a last resort to protect themselves. Like mentioned above, they do not use their jaws for chewing or biting purposes at all. Their sharp-looking tongues grab prey and bring it straight to their mouths, where they swallow whole. But what about those little bumps on top of their heads?

Those aren’t horns, but parietal eye domes – unique bony protrusions behind their eyes that house photoreceptors that detect light even when there is no illumination around. These bumps help them adjust their body temperature; they will become dark red when cold and dark blue-grayish when warm. So don’t be too alarmed if you see your gecko’s eye domes changing colors; it just means that he/she needs some more warmth or coolness depending on his current environment.

Are Crested Geckos Safe to Handle?

Most people think that crested gecko bite or even attack them. That is totally wrong! For a gecko to bite you, it needs a reason. So, if your gecko does nip at you, it means he/she isn’t comfortable with your behavior and is trying to tell you that you need to stop whatever actions you are performing. If anything – handle with care – don’t grab them too harshly or force them into something they aren’t ready for.

You will eventually learn what your pet likes and dislikes and what bothers him/her, so there is no need in being forceful unless something is about to harm him/her. Moreover, eventually, with proper training that will include properly handling your pet regularly when young, he/she should be used to handling by adulthood. However, he/she may still be slightly hesitant in certain situations. And just like any other animal out there, always remember that you should never leave children unsupervised around any pets.

Are Crested Geckos Safe Around Your Children?

Due to their extremely unique appearance, children are often fascinated by them. Many parents are worried about having these lizards around their kids. While it is true that geckos don’t love being handled, that doesn’t mean they would bite or scratch your child out of anger or frustration.

However, just like any other animal in your household, you should keep a close eye on all interactions between your gecko and your children. Teach both how to treat one another to avoid accidents from happening when you aren’t watching them.

You should teach your kids how to handle crested geckos safely for both parties to remain safe while interacting with one another. Always keep your little ones at least 6 feet away from your pets. This distance will ensure that if something does happen, no serious harm will be done to either party. Allowing young children to feed pet geckos can create numerous problems if not done properly, so you should let an adult do it instead.

Are Crested Geckos Safe Around Your Pets?

If you keep your pet Crested gecko in a cage, it will be safe from attacks and will not bother other pets in your home. If you do decide to let him/her roam freely around your house, make sure to always supervise all interactions with other pets. You should ensure that your Crested gecko is healthy and strong enough to interact with children and other family members.

However, when it comes to interaction with other pets, such as dogs and cats, both of which are naturally inquisitive, it can be difficult because they can hurt them if they try to play rough with them. Cats, in particular, are known for having intellectually curious personalities. As with handling, you must teach your cat how to properly interact with crested geckos.

But, even with training, cats’ natural predatory instincts lead them to chase after lizards, which can result in biting and scratching on the part of your pet reptile. The best way to avoid such issues is to either not have other pets or to keep your Crested Geckos in a separate enclosure where no other pets can get to them.

What Are Some of The Most Common Home Pet Hazards?

Having a pet is not a decision that should be taken lightly. It takes a lot of time, dedication, and hard work. Before getting a pet, one should always consider all potential risks, especially one as unique as a gecko. To begin with, crested geckos are quite small, which means they can easily become disoriented or fall into a situation from which they cannot escape.

So, if you have small kids running around your house who aren’t old enough to understand that those lizards aren’t toys, they may unknowingly injure or even kill your lizard.

Furthermore, if you have other pets in the house, these reptiles may be attacked or bitten by them. You must always supervise interactions between your pet lizard and any other members of your household to ensure that no one is harmed. If there are any issues with specific situations, try rearranging objects so that everyone feels more at ease living together.

Further, if you have cats or dogs, make sure your crested gecko is always in its enclosure where your dog or cat cannot attack it while sleeping or eating. If you see your dog or cat approaching or interacting with your gecko, keep them separated until things return to normal.

Furthermore, having more than one Crested Gecko in a cage is discouraged because they are territorial animals who will fight if given a chance.

Is It Safe to Handle a Crested Gecko?

These little reptiles may appear to be harmless, but all it takes is one scratch from their claws to prove otherwise. Their skin isn’t always smooth and dry either: many crested geckos secrete toxic mucus when threatened.

If you’re interested in buying a pet crested gecko, there are things you should know before diving into your search. One of those things is whether or not it’s safe to handle these reptiles. Rest assured that they aren’t dangerous to humans—as long as you follow a few basic safety tips!

Handle with Care!

While crested geckos are not venomous or poisonous, they do have teeth, claws, and scales that can irritate human skin. If you try to pick up these lizards by their tails, they will do everything in their power to escape your grasp. As a result, never pick up a crestie by its tail! Pick it up with both hands on either side of its body to avoid using more force than necessary when handling your reptile pal.

Establish Trust

As with any new pet, you must become acquainted with your crested gecko before beginning regular handling. Spend some time feeding and cleaning up after your gecko to demonstrate that you are a friend, not a predator.

Watch the Claws

As tempting as it may be to pet your gecko, do not put your fingers in its oral cavity. Your crested gecko may feel threatened if you bring your hand even close to its face. Therefore, you should never attempt to touch his mouth area until you are sure he is comfortable with you touching him elsewhere on his body.


In conclusion, while the Crested Gecko does have teeth, and crested gecko bite, they rarely threaten humans or pets. If properly cared for, these reptiles can be an extremely rewarding addition to your family. Simply ensure that you provide them with everything they require – both physically and psychologically – to live happily! Best wishes with your gecko!
