Reptile Maniac

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Do bearded dragons have ears?

Most reptiles don’t have outer ears like humans do. Some people may even believe reptiles like bearded dragons, for example, have no ears. Humans depend on the external structure of their ears to capture sound. Since reptiles like bearded dragons do not, owners usually ask – do bearded dragons have ears?

Bearded dragons have ears and an improved sense of hearing compared to other reptiles. The main reason why people ask if bearded dragons have ears is based on how their ears are structured. Unlike human ears, bearded dragons have ears located way below their eye line.

Even without external ear structures, bearded dragons can hear just fine. But how do they do it? In this post, we’ll be looking at how bearded dragons’ ears and more. With the info in this article, you’ll know everything you need to about your pet reptiles’ ears.

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Where are the Ears of Bearded Dragons Located?

The ears of bearded dragons have an internal structure located away from its eye line. Bearded dragons ears are a little above its mouth area and are housed in holes.

These ears are halfway between the spaces of a dragon’s eye and neck area. The location of a bearded dragon’s ears makes it easy to retain sound and remain safe from damage.

What Do the Ears of Bearded Dragons Look Like?

The ears of bearded dragons look like holes on either side of these reptiles’ heads. Bearded dragons have a middle and inner ear structure, but humans can only see the mid-region. With a closer look, you’ll be able to see the tympanic membrane in each of your bearded dragon’s ears.

How Do the Ears of Bearded Dragons Work?

The internal structure of bearded dragons’ ears works with a set of tiny bones and membranes. Sound passes onto a cavity in airborne and pressure signals. These vibrations stimulate cells which transfer impulses to bearded dragons’ brains to interpret sound.

Bearded dragons rely on the tympanic membrane to offer swift responses to signals. Stapes in the middle ear also helps sound transmission from dragons’ middle ears to its inner structure.

Dragons have their ears in holes for a few reasons. Due to its internal structure, they don’t need to worry about retaining dust in their ears.  

Besides Hearing, What are the Other Functions of Bearded Dragons’ Ears?

Just like human ears do more than help us translate sounds; bearded dragons use their ears for several functions too.


Just like in humans, bearded dragons need their ears to regulate balance. The inner ear structure holds a cochlear duct and semicircular canals just like humans to aid balancing. Even with structural differences, bearded dragons and humans have ears that function the same way. 


Bearded dragons in the wild have a buffet of insects to choose from to fill their bellies. But in some areas, these dragons may not find it easy to get bugs.

With their improved sense of hearing, bearded dragons can locate nearby insects. If these insects are in hiding, a bearded dragons uses its hearing to trace insects until it can see them.

To avoid being eaten

The superb sense of hearing bearded dragons have serves as a defense mechanism against predators. Wild bearded dragons have to navigate their natural habitat with the constant threat of predators.

Other animals like snakes, foxes, and birds see bearded dragons as a great snack. The ears of bearded dragons, along with their impressive ability to detect vibrations help their getaway.

How Do Bearded Dragons React to Sound?

Bearded dragons have the ability to respond to sounds. These reptiles use their body language to communicate with other species. A bearded dragon could wave, change hue, hide, puff, bask, or point its tail out in response to sound. Mature bearded dragons are more likely to possess a stronger ability to respond to sound in different ways.

In some cases, bearded dragons could react to sounds when it feels threatened or happy. Other times, it may use body language to communicate health issues or immediate needs.

Do You Have to Clean Your Bearded Dragons’ Ears?

If something falls inside your bearded dragons ears, don’t try to clean it yourself. Bring your bearded pals to the vet as a DIY effort could damage its hearing.


Can bearded dragons hear?

Bearded dragons have a keen sense of hearing and can pick up sound signals from far off. These dragons primarily use their ears for escaping predators or searching for food. The internal construction of bearded dragons’ ears keeps it from damage.

Do bearded dragons get attached to their owners?

Bearded dragons could develop emotional attachment to their owners. Some bearded dragons could recognize their owner’s voice and cuddle up to seek attention. These reptiles may be loners at first but will warm up to their owners with time.

Where are bearded dragon ears?

Bearded dragons have enclosed ears on either part of their head, below their eye region. Ears on bearded dragons have a protective membrane which covers the opening when not in use.

Can bearded dragons get their ears wet?

Bearded dragons can get their ears wet, maybe during a swim or bath. These dragons can get rid of water in their ears by shaking their heads until the fluid gets out. It’s a default occurrence, so don’t bother about water in your dragon’s ears.

Final Thoughts: Do Bearded Dragons Have Ears?

Do bearded dragons have ears? Yes, they do, but dragons ears don’t look like that of dragons.

The ears of bearded dragons follow a design that improves hearing and aids balance simultaneously. Owners of pet bearded dragons don’t have to worry about cleaning their ears. They don’t gather dust in their ears based on its internal structure and covering membrane.

Ears on bearded dragons are an interesting feature and help your pet recognize several sounds. Who knows? Your bearded pals could get used to the sound of your name and other calls in record time!