Reptile Maniac

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do bearded dragons cuddle each other
Bearded dragons may cuddle with their owners to some extent. However, does that mean they can do the same with members of their species? Do Bearded dragons cuddle each other?

The above questions may sound somewhat weird, but all lizard parents need to know the meaning of each behavior, especially when it comes to caring for Bearded dragons.

Beardies often engage in behaviors that we can’t understand. As a beardie keeper, you should make it your goal that you understand every behavior that your pet is exhibiting.
If you are keeping more than one Bearded dragon in the same vivarium, then you may have noticed that there are times when they get close to each other.

This begs the question—do Bearded dragons cuddle each other?

By nature, Bearded dragons are territorial reptiles, meaning they can lay claim and defend certain areas against other members of their species. In addition to this, beardies are solitary, so there is a high probability that your Bearded dragons may not enjoy each other’s company, especially when they are kept in the same enclosure. From this explanation, it is clear that cuddling is not a behavior that Bearded dragons may engage in.

However, beardies can at times lay on top of each other, a behavior commonly known as stacking.

Most Bearded dragon keepers mistake stacking for cuddling, but it means something completely different in the lizard world.

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What Is Stacking In Bearded Dragons?

Stacking occurs when Bearded dragons that are kept in the same vivarium rest on top of each other. This behavior is often displayed when beardies are in the basking spot.

In the beardie world, stacking is a sign of dominance, with the lizard at the topmost tier being the most dominant.

If caution is not taken, Bearded dragons can engage in bloody duels to determine the lizard that will sit atop the others. Male beardies are the most notorious in this respect.

As such, ensure that you monitor your Bearded dragons closely for any signs of aggression since this can help you prevent injuries that may result from fights.

Additionally, the stacking behavior can cause other health complications to the beardies that are at the bottom of the pile.

Oftentimes, reptile breeders will encourage customers to purchase a second dragon and cohabitate them. However, this is only because they want to make an additional sale.

Problems Associated With Stacking or 'Cuddling' In Bearded Dragons

Your Bearded dragons may seem comfortable when they are all stacked up, but that is never the case, especially for the beardies who are closest to the bottom of the enclosure.

It can result in asphyxiation, meaning the dragon at the bottom may die due to a lack of oxygen.

Stacking can also lead to bullying since the adult beardies will always pick on juveniles when displaying their dominance.

Also, the beardies at the bottom of the stack may not get enough UVB rays when they are basking.

UVB radiation is essential for Bearded dragons because it helps them synthesize vitamin D, which, in turn, prevents hypocalcemia.

How You Can Prevent Stacking Behavior In Beardies

Use Separate Enclosures

The best way to go about this is by keeping your beardies in separate enclosures. That way, each Bearded dragon will own its own space, so you won’t have to worry about them fighting or laying on top of each other.

Add More Space

You can also use a more spacious enclosure so that your lizard can have enough room to do what they want without getting in each other’s way.

Reduce The Number Of Beardies In Each Enclosure

The number of beardies in each enclosure should also be kept at a minimum to avoid duels. Experts recommend that you should only keep a maximum of two beardies in the same enclosure.

You should also avoid keeping multiple male beardies in the same vivarium.

Final Thoughts

Bearded dragons don’t enjoy each other’s company as much as we may think.

They are not only solitary but also territorial, so your Bearded dragon will do just fine even without having a beardie friend in their enclosure.

Most beardie keepers often confuse stacking for cuddling. However, the stacking behavior can cause other problems that may affect the overall health of your pets.

As such, you shouldn’t keep your Bearded dragons in the same vivarium because there is a high probability that the dominant members of the group will bully the other lizards.
