Reptile Maniac

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Are you looking forward to getting a beardie as a pet? If your answer is yes, then you should be aware that there is a lot that you will have to learn.

Bearded dragons are somewhat unique compared to most lizards in the reptilian family. Their behavior is not only hard to understand but also interesting.

As such, those who keep them often have questions that they seek to find answers to. One of the common questions that most beardie keepers ask is-why does my bearded dragon stare at me?

Staring in Bearded dragons is an instinct-driven behavior. Beardies stare at people and objects because they want to learn more about what they are looking at. This gives them closure and also makes them feel safe in the environment that they are in. Bearded dragons show particular interest in objects that are in motion as this helps them to assess possible threats.

With that being said, you shouldn’t be worried about anything if you notice that your bearded buddy is staring at you more than usual. It only shows that they are curious about the specimen that is before them.

Besides, the staring behavior is a good sign that your Bearded dragon is alert to the hidden dangers that may be in their surroundings.

Staying alert is very important for Bearded dragons, especially when they are in the wild because they can become easy prey to different types of predators.

However, the fact that they are in captivity does not mean that they should lose their focus. And that is exactly why pet beardies still engage in the staring behavior.

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What Else Can Cause A Bearded Dragon To Stare?

According to beardie experts, a Bearded dragon may also stare when they are restless or bored.

Both the former and the latter are not good for your bearded dragon, so you should see to it that your pet is effectively stimulated to get them in the right mood.

Additionally, Bearded dragons tend to stare more when they are in a new environment. As stated earlier, this allows them to analyze everything that is around them.

However, knowing the true cause of the staring behavior can be a bit challenging because Bearded dragons are hard to read.

The best that you can do is to provide your Bearded dragon with proper husbandry at all times.

In addition to this, you should create an environment that is safe for your beardie by separating them from other pets.

This may not stop them from staring, but it will reduce anxiety, thereby making them more comfortable.

How To Stimulate Your Bearded Dragon When They Are Staring

If you think that your Bearded dragon is staring at you because they are bored, there are a couple of things that you can do to keep them entertained.

Nonetheless, the tricks may or may not work on your bearded friend because not all Bearded dragons are the same. Below are some of the ways that you can stimulate your beardie:

Give Them Some Play Time

Bearded dragons are very different from other household pets. As such, they may not jump around the same way cats do or play fetch like a dog. That does not, however, mean that they don’t enjoy your company.

The best way that you can play with your beaded buddy is by holding them gently from time to time. For their safety, ensure that you apply minimal pressure to avoid hurting the lizard.

If you do everything correctly, your beardie will not only trust you more but will also consider you their favorite person.

Let Them Run Loose

Keeping your Bearded dragon in an enclosure all the time can cause boredom. Aside from staring, beardies can engage in other behaviors such as glass surfing when they are bored.

You can prevent this by taking the pet out of the vivarium regularly. However, letting them loose does not mean that you should leave them on their own in open spaces.

Besides, there are small pet harnesses that you can use when taking your bearded dragon outdoors.

Here’s the pet harness we use with our bearded dragon:

Take Your Beardie For A Swim

Bearded dragons are exceptional swimmers. Swimming is not only a form of exercise but also allows them to have a good time.

Additionally, swimming can provide your Bearded dragon with health benefits in that it can prevent compaction.

To elaborate, compaction occurs when solid waste materials harden in the dragon’s vent, thus causing discomfort within the digestive system.

As your Bearded dragon swims, the water will soften the waste, thereby allowing the dragon to defecate without experiencing any problem.

Give Them Colorful Tank Decor?

Bearded dragons are attracted to different colors, so you should consider giving your beardie colorful tank decorations – or at least place their enclosure in a room with many different colors.

Colors are stimulating for bearded dragons and can actually keep them entertained for extended periods of time.

Other Bearded Dragon Behaviors That You Should Be Aware Of

In addition to staring, there are other common Bearded dragon behaviors that you should know as a pet parent.

Final Verdict

The staring behavior in Bearded dragons is something normal, so it should not be a cause for concern.

Beardies stare to learn more about their surroundings and spot potential hazards. And since it’s an instinctual response, they do it naturally in order to stay safe from predators and other dangers.
