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best fruits for crested geckos

Crested geckos need a correct combination of insect proteins, veggies, and fruits to grow. Experienced handlers of crested geckos know what their reptiles need to thrive at every stage. Finding out what kinds of insects your crested geckos need to eat is easy. But it could be hard for new owners to know the best fruits for crested geckos’ development.

So, what are the best fruits for crested geckos?

The best fruits for crested geckos are apricots, apples, papaya, and figs. Your crested geckos can eat other fruits, but it is important to consider what nutrients your reptile needs. For instance, nectarines are good for humans but have a disproportionate ratio of calcium-to-phosphorus that could hurt your geckos.

Several fruits can be a mainstay or treat in your crested geckos’ diet. But do you know all of these fruits? Probably not.

So, let’s take a closer look at the ten best fruits for crested geckos to grow big and strong and free of illness!

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What are the Best Fruits for Crested Geckos?

Crested geckos need to have more insects in their diet, but should have some fruits as treats. Here’s a list of the best fruits for crested geckos diet:

How Should You Offer Fruits to Your Crested Geckos?


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If you don’t want to offer mashed fruits to your crested geckos, chopped fruits can also work. Make sure to cut these fruits in sizes that will fit between the space within your gecko’s eyes. Offering your gecko large fruits could result in choking.

What Kind of Fruits Should You Not Feed Your Crested Geckos?

Fruits with a wide calcium-phosphorus ratio

Some fruits, like nectarines for example, have a disproportionate amount of phosphorus to calcium, making them unsuitable for geckos.

Feeding your geckos fruits with too much phosphorus may take a toll on their bone health. If geckos cannot get much calcium from their foods, phosphorus in such foods may draw from their bones’ calcium.

One of the most common effects of feeding too much fruits to crested geckos is Metabolic Bone Disease (MBD).

Fruits your crested geckos may become addicted to

Some fruits may contain too much natural sugars potent enough to turn your gecko into an addict. Fruits like mango and apples may be suitable for your geckos, but must be fed in moderation.

If your gecko becomes too attached to eating one kind of fruit, they may not want to eat anything else. When geckos start refusing meals that nourish them for sweet fruits, health issues usually ensue.

Fruits with oxalic acid content

Oxalic acid in large volumes will harm your crested geckos overall health. Oxalic acid is present in citrus fruits and should not be a part of your reptile’s diet. However, if you choose to offer citrus fruits to crested geckos, it has to be in very small amounts.

How Many Times Should I Feed Fruits to My Crested Gecko?

You can feed different fruits (or a mix) to your crested gecko every fortnight or on weekly basis. Feeding your crested geckos fruits every day may not be good for them in the long run.

Apart from Fruits, What Else Can Crested Geckos Eat?


Crested geckos can have crickets as a main part of their overall diet. Crickets have the right composition of proteins crested geckos need to grow. There are different types of feeder crickets available in pet stores.


Dubia roaches are an important part of crested geckos’ diet, but not as essential as crickets. Some owners of pet reptiles prefer feeding roaches to their geckos once or twice per week. However, you can feed crested geckos crickets two to four times in a week based on some factors.


Superworms, waxworms, reptiworms, etc. are all part of a crested gecko’s diet. But not all of these insects should be a regular part of your geckos’ meals. Some worms like waxworms and superworms are high in fat and may cause your gecko to gain unnecessary weight.


Crested geckos can have strawberries and other type of berries as occasional treats. Berries and some fruits could have too much sweetness or wide calcium-phosphorus ratio that may harm your reptiles.

Also, your crested geckos may become addicted to some berries and reject other kinds of food.


Some herbs and veggies are ideal parts of a crested gecko’s diet. Crested geckos can gain much from a few vegetables, but not all offer massive vitamin content.


What fruits are good for geckos?

What foods can you give crested geckos?

Can crested geckos have oranges?

Crested geckos should not eat oranges, as citrus fruits are high in oxalic acid. The high oxalic acid content is detrimental to crested geckos’ overall health. Fruits are essential to the growth of crested geckos, but not all fruits should be in their diet.

Can crested geckos eat vegetables?

Crested geckos can eat vegetables blended with fruit as thick smoothies. However, crested geckos could prefer different veggies based on their regular diet. Crested geckos could prefer among acorn squash, edible button mushroom, pumpkin, etc. Make sure the veggies you plan to feed your crested geckos aren’t harmful to their overall health.

Final Thoughts: Best Fruits for Crested Geckos

The best fruits for crested geckos should provide your reptiles ample nutrition and help them grow strong. But as expected, not all fruits are great for your crested geckos.

Some fruits are high in acids that could mean trouble for your crested gecko. It is important for owners to confirm what their crested geckos stand to gain (and lose) from consuming some fruits.

Ensure your geckos get the right amount of vitamins present in healthy fruits. You don’t want to have a crested gecko lacking the necessary nutrients to develop as it should.
