Reptile Maniac

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If you have been keeping bearded dragons for a while, then you must have realized that there are so many things that you can learn about this species.

They are friendly, calm, and equally social to some extent. Additionally, they have many other special traits that make them stand out from other lizards.

As a pet parent, there are things that you must know about your Bearded dragon in order to provide your beardie with the best care.

If you are one of those pet parents who always asks questions about their beardies, it shows that you are both curious and responsible, which is a good thing!

With the right knowledge, you will know exactly what your beardie can or cannot do. As a result, this will put you in a better position when offering the required care.

Like all lizards, Bearded dragons are quadrupeds, meaning they move on four legs. Nonetheless, the fact that they move on all fours doesn’t explain how fast they are.

And with that comes the question- just how fast are bearded dragons?

Research shows that a fully grown Bearded dragon can clock speeds of up to 14.5kph, which is equivalent to 9mph. When they are running, they lift their forelimbs, thereby allowing them to reach the maximum speed without experiencing any resistance. However, the speed at which a Bearded dragon can run may vary depending on several factors.

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Factors That Can Determine Speed In Bearded Dragons

Like all organisms in the animal kingdom, not all Bearded dragons are equal. Some Bearded dragons may be faster and stronger than other members of their kind. I mean, just picture Usian Bolt and Jonah Hill in a foot race. You get the point.

As such, certain factors may cause your Bearded dragon to move faster than other beardies. This may include;

#1. Body Temperature

Since Bearded dragons are reptiles, they tend to have a slow metabolism, especially when their body temperature is low.

This means that food will take a longer time to process, so Bearded dragons may not have enough energy to move fast.

If you are an observant pet parent, you must have noticed that your bearded dragon is more active and moves quickest when temperatures are a bit high.

If you’re not keeping up with the temperature of your beardies tank, you need to purchase a cheap thermostat for both the cool and warm side of your bearded dragons enclosure.

#2. Diet

Just like humans, the type of foods that a Bearded dragon eats can affect its overall physical performance.

A poor diet with low-nutrient foods may result in low muscle mass, weakness, and a lack of stamina.

Consequently, the beardie won’t be able to run as fast compared to another Bearded dragon that is on a balanced diet.

That being said, ensure that you feed your bearded buddy the right foods. High protein foods, in particular, are essential during the early stages of development since they promote muscle growth.

#3. Age

Bearded dragons go through different stages of growth and development. And each stage is unique in that it gives the lizard time to gain more strength and also learn new tricks.

That being said, an adult Bearded dragon that is still in its prime may run faster than a juvenile, while a hatchling may move at a lesser speed compared to a juvenile.

This is because fully grown Beardies have longer strides and well-developed muscles compared to their younger counterparts.

However, older beardies may not be as fast compared to adults that are still in their prime because the former may lack stamina due to reduced muscle mass.

#4. Lighting Conditions

In the wild, this may not be a factor that determines speed in Bearded dragons since all lizards get plenty of UVB rays from the sun.

However, when Beardies are in captivity, the lighting conditions in the enclosure can affect their speed and overall health in several ways.

For starters, UVB light helps Bearded dragons in digesting their food, meaning their bodies will get the energy and nutrients that it needs after the food is properly digested.

Experts recommend that Bearded dragons should be left to bask under a UVB bulb an hour before and three hours after eating to improve digestion.

In addition to this, UVB light aids in calcium synthesis, thus leading to the formation of strong bones that can help your beardie to run faster.

#5. Genetics

Through heredity, parents can transmit certain traits to their offspring. Well, this also applies to Bearded dragons.

When in the wild, Bearded dragons have to adapt to certain conditions in order to survive. As such, they need to be faster than most predators in their environment.

A well-adapted adult Bearded dragon can produce young ones with similar traits as their mate. This means that if both parents have good genes, so will the hatchlings.

What Can Cause A Bearded Dragon To Run?

Bearded dragons avoid running and other strenuous activities in order to conserve energy. However, some situations may force a beardie to bolt at top speed as you are about to find out;

Chasing Prey

Escaping Danger

Why Do Bearded Dragons Run On Two Hind Legs?

When Bearded dragons reach their top speed, the forces of gravity cause a shift in their body’s center of mass, thereby forcing the forelimbs and upper parts of the body to lift off from the ground.

Researchers postulate that beardies don’t do this intentionally since it comes about as a result of the laws of physics.

Final Verdict

From our discussion, it is clear that bearded dragons are not as lazy as they may seem. They can run at top speeds of up to 9mph when chasing down prey or escaping predators.

Nonetheless, their speed is determined by the environment that they are in, the type of food that they eat, and their age.
