Reptile Maniac

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Why does my bearded dragon close one eye? If you have ever asked yourself this question, it not only shows that you are a concerned pet parent but a good one as well.

If you are keeping a beardie as a pet, it is your duty and responsibility to ensure that the lizard is both healthy and comfortable.

Aside from that, you should be familiar with your beardie’s behavior as this will help you know when something is wrong.

Eye closing is a common behavior in reptiles. Bearded dragons, in particular, tend to close one of their eyes due to several reasons.

In most cases, there is nothing to worry about, but that does not mean that you shouldn’t find the cause.

There are times when beardies close one eye because of underlying health complications or to show discomfort.

So, what does it mean if your bearded dragon closes one eye?

Bearded dragons may close one of their eyes due to several reasons. This can be as a result of poor lighting conditions in the dragon’s environment, response to stimuli, stuck shed, disease and infections, dehydration, foreign objects in the affected eye, parasites, or low humidity.

As such, ensure that you find the true cause of the eye-closing phenomenon before applying any countermeasure.

To make your work easier, this article covers some of the common reasons why bearded dragons close one eye and how to diagnose the cause.

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Why Does My Bearded Dragon Close One Eye?

Knowing the real cause of the problem is important because it can help you know what to do next.

Depending on what is affecting your bearded buddy, you can take the pet to the vet or make changes to the dragon’s environment.

Without further ado, here are some of the reasons why your bearded dragon may be closing one of its eyes.

More: Check out this article if your bearded dragon has sunken eyes.

#1. Poor Lighting Conditions

Poor lighting implies that there is either insufficient or too much light in the bearded dragon’s enclosure.

However, beardies are mostly affected by the former, so your dragon may instinctively close one eye to prevent possible eye damage.

To keep your bearded dragon comfortable, ensure that you use a lighting system that somewhat mimics that of the natural world.

It is crucial that you use a high ultraviolet bulb in your bearded dragons enclosure because they emit UVB rays that aid in bone development and digestion.

This is the bulb we recommend:

#2. Response to Stimuli

Bearded dragons are very sensitive to environmental stimuli. Besides, they are also curious creatures, so they will always try to find out what is happening around them.

That being said, beardies often close one eye when focusing on objects in their surroundings. It could be anything ranging from prey to colorful items.

Plus, their eyes are placed in such a way that the right eye cannot have a clear view of what the left eye is seeing and vice versa.

This may force them to close one of their eyes to have a better view of objects. If this is the case for your beardie, then you have nothing to worry about.

#3. Stuck shed

Like most reptiles, bearded dragons shed their skin from time to time. Nonetheless, the old skin may fail to peel off from some parts of the body.

If this happens around the eyes, your bearded dragon will close an eye in an attempt to avoid discomort.

The good news is that you can help your beardie remove the stuck shed. However, prior to attempting to pick it off yourself, try bathing your bearded dragon in a warm bath to soften the skin. The shed may even fall off naturally during the bath.

#4. Eye Infections

Eye infections can come about as a result of viral or bacterial infestation. Infections are easy to spot because they can cause swellings around the eyes.

More to this, infections cause pain and discomfort, thereby forcing the dragon to close the affected eye.

Also, some infections may cause the glands in the eyes to produce a foul-smelling discharge. You should, however, keep in mind that your beardie may close an eye even when there are no visible signs of an infection.

In worst-case scenarios, infections can damage crucial parts of the eye. Therefore, you should get your beardie on a vet-recommended antibiotic or seek medical attention as soon as possible!

More: Check out this article if your bearded dragon’s eye is bulging.

#5. Dehydration

If you are a keen pet parent, then you must have noticed that bearded dragons don’t drink as much water.

As such, there is a high chance that they may suffer from dehydration. Dehydration may limit fluids from flowing to the eyes, thus causing discomfort.

Consequently, your bearded dragon will close one eye to avoid exposing it to dry air. The best way to test if your pet is dehydrated is by performing a pinch test.

Dehydrated and hydrated skins behave differently when pinched. The former will take time to bounce back while the latter bounces back almost immediately.

#6. Foreign Objects in the Affected Eye

Bearded dragon enclosures consist of a wide range of things. They contain basking rocks, sticks, branches, and other items.

Most of the commonly used décor items can easily break off or produce debris that can get into your pet’s eye.

This will not only cause discomfort but may also result in eye damage. If a foreign object gets into your beardies eye, the pet will try to remove it by closing the affected eye.

#7. Parasites

Besides bacterial and viral infections, bearded dragons can also be affected by parasites. Most parasites cling around the eyes, thereby causing irritation.

As a result, your pet will try to remove the parasites by closing the infested eye. Bearded dragons are mostly affected by ticks and mites.

However, there are other parasites that can cause irritation and discomfort to your pet, so you should always be prepared.

#8. Low humidity in the Enclosure

Like lighting, bearded dragons require a certain level of humidity. As such, it should not be too low or too high as this may cause health problems.

Low humidity can impact the skin of your pet, resulting in abnormal shedding. This will, in turn, cause shed to stick on some parts of the body, including the eyes.

Your bearded dragon may respond to this effect by closing an eye, especially the one that is most affected.

According to experts the humidity levels in a bearded dragon’s enclosure should be anywhere between 30% and 40%.

Final Verdict

The above-listed are just but some of the common reasons why bearded dragons close one eye. Nonetheless, beardies can also close their eyes when they are basking, scared, or when you are stroking them.

You should always know why your bearded dragon has one eye closed in order to apply the right corrective strategy.
